Wednesday, September 16, 2009

To Blog or not to Blog, that is the question...

To blog or not to blog, that is the question.

Making the blog for this class has inspired me to create a blog for my school. I am the math specialist in my elementary school. So far I have collaborated with the two reading specialists to create a both a reading and a math section for the blog. I have sent the blog to my principal for approval before I meet with a translator. The purpose of this type of blog would be communication with the parents and students in our school. I have included a pole about how to best contact the parents. The blog explains a little bit about the reading and math programs in the school and asks how we can help our parents. I have included a reading and a math website students may use to practice their skills. In addition, today I posted a K-2 grade level math challenge of the month and a 3-4 grade level challenge. Students can solve the math problems and post their solutions. Teachers can use this in their classes as a math center or students can go on the site at home. Right now it is in the very beginning stages, but it fulfills a goal of mine to get more in contact with parents. The most difficult part of keeping in touch with parents from my school is the language barrier. Since we have access to Spanish translators in our school, it is an excellent way to reach out to the parents and have them respond in their language. It is a comfortable environment with which to communicate, where parents will not worry about how well they speak English. It will bridge some gaps that may exist. This will also serve as a type of enrichment for math students, since I am providing them with a monthly challenge. For many parents and students this will be the first time they have participated in a blog. It is my hope that the math challenges will encourage mathematical discussions at home. Also, this will give parents a little bit of practice with English, since the English translation will be directly above the Spanish version. So, this blog would serve as an instructional resource, math enrichment and a communication device. If it reaches even a few of our parents, it will have served its purpose.


  1. Lynne,

    I think that this is a really good idea for a blog! I also think that it is great that you thought forward enough about the fact that some parents may not (or very little) speak English. I think that it is great that you sought out translators for this. One issue that may arise is the lack of internet access in some homes. Will there be a paper method to send out information as well? I really think that this is a great source of enrichment for students and will help you with you contact with parents. Good Luck!

  2. I think there are many great aspects to where you want to take your blog. First, incorporating linguistics with math is an excellent idea. As a math teacher, I understand how the language and vocabulary barrier can influence student achievement. Second, making the site accessible to those whose first language is not English is both logical and culturally sensitive. Well don!

  3. Hi Kali,
    We have a monthly newsletter that goes home to parents in students' Wednesday folders. We would print out the blog information for students who do not have Internet access. I wonder how we would know who needs it and who doesn't because I would rather save trees and NOT send it to those that don't need it. Ideas?

  4. You could probably send home a parent information sheet explaining how this blog would be used. On that sheet you could include a section where they could check a box indicating whether or not they have access to the internet. We do this at our school when it comes to email alerts.

  5. Hi Kali,

    That is an excellent suggestion! We currently have Wednesday folders which we send home. We can definitely put a parent information sheet into this folder to get some information from our parents. Thank you very much for the suggestion!!
